Special Focus on Choosing the Right Swab

From the start of the 20th century, swabs have evolved from being just spun cotton-tip on a wooden shaft to a intelligently designed, easy-to-use specimen or sample collection device -with specific features depending on the application.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional sampling for SARS-CoV-2 testing or a food processor performing hygiene monitoring via ATP, you need to know you’re using the best swab for the job, to get the most accurate results.

All swabs have the same basic function –  to capture a target analyte on contact.  There’s a variety of different fibres and formats such as flocked, foam, or spun made from different materials typically polyester, nylon or rayon to choose from.

During hygiene monitoring using ATP testing instruments, the surface hygiene ATP swabs are used to collect organisms from the food processing environment and are then analyzed by an ATP detection instrument for activity – and nothing else.

But for other applications, especially for clinical sampling, the swab has to not only release the analyte but also maintain its integrity during transport to the lab – this can be done by placing it into a tube or by breaking off the shaft at a pre-molded breakpoint so it fits into a vial of transport media such as Amies, Gel, Universal Transport Media (UTM) or Viral Transport Media (VTM).

During this current COVID-19 pandemic and the predicted second wave,  PCR based testing will continue to be the gold standard. Therefore now is a good time to review your choice of swab and transport media.

In this rapidmicrobiology special focus, you can browse through a selection of swabs that are suitable for various applications from clinical diagnostics to surface monitoring in the food industry. Watch the video where COPAN CEO Norman Sharples explains various options for swabs for COVID-19 testing and explore Medical Wire’s range of different swabs and transport media options designed for a range of bacteriological applications.

Sample Collection and Swab Types for COVID-19 Testing

Sample Collection and Swab Types for COVID-19 Testing

In this video, Norman Sharples, COPAN Diagnostics’ CEO runs through alternatives to collecting a nasopharyngeal specimen with a flocked swab for COVID-19 diagnosis.
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To Ask The Correct Question Choose The Correct Swab – Choose MWE!

To Ask The Correct Question Choose The Correct Swab – Choose MWE!

Sigma Transwab® & Transwab® - best for bacteriology, Transwab® - the best gel swab, Sigma Transwab® - best for automated platforms, Fecal Transwab® - best for enterics, Sigma Virocult® - best for viruses, Sigma VCM - best universal /multi-purpose.
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High Quality Swabs for Collection and Transportation of Samples

High Quality Swabs for Collection and Transportation of Samples

Alpha Laboratories has the expertise to respond to unique requirements and can help you choose the right swab to preserve your sample and protect your staff. 
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Hygiene Monitoring: Have Confidence in Your Cleaning Programme

Hygiene Monitoring: Have Confidence in Your Cleaning Programme

Hygiene monitoring is an essential part of any food production process. But how do you make sure you are taking accurate samples? NEOGEN’s patented AccuPoint® samplers greatly increase the accuracy and consistency of ATP sampling.
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Is it Clean? Be Sure. ATP Testing & Sanitation

Is it Clean? Be Sure. ATP Testing & Sanitation

Fast and easy way to monitor the success of cleaning and disinfection procedures with MVP ICON® system.
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Puritan - 4 Reasons They’re Not Your Ordinary Drugstore Swab

Puritan - 4 Reasons They’re Not Your Ordinary Drugstore Swab

Puritan’s 'FDA Preferred' HydraFlock® and PurFlock Ultra® swabs are highly sophisticated diagnostic tools. Their tips, handles and materials are ideally suited for COVID-19 testing. Puritan's foam and polyester swabs are also FDA listed as substitutes for flock.
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Environmental Swabbing for Norovirus – Prevent Outbreaks with Puritan

Environmental Swabbing for Norovirus – Prevent Outbreaks with Puritan

Puritan’s Norovirus Collection and Transport System is used for the detection of human norovirus on environmental contamination during outbreaks. Available dry or pre-moistened it detects viruses when clinical samples are not available and monitors the effectiveness of cleaning practices.
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Collect and Preserve Clinical Specimens Containing Viruses, Including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Collect and Preserve Clinical Specimens Containing Viruses, Including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Liofilchem VTM is suitable for the collection and preservation of clinical specimens containing viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp.
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Novel Molecular Transport Media for Dual COVID-19 and Influenza Sampling

Novel Molecular Transport Media for Dual COVID-19 and Influenza Sampling

PrimeStore® MTM (Molecular Transport Medium) is an FDA class 2 & CE-IVD marked sample collection and transportation device for COVID-19, flu A, flu B, HIV and TB which deactivates any viruses present, enabling safe sample handling and subsequent molecular testing. 
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Check out our test method guide: Swabs, Capture, Maintain and Release