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29th January 2018 Content supplied by: Campden BRI
UKAS Accredited Hepatitis A and Norovirus Detection in Foods

Campden BRI has extended its UKAS accreditation to cover the detection of Hepatitis A and Norovirus in fresh and frozen berries and salad vegetables. Campden BRI is the only laboratory in the UK to be accredited for the detection of these two viruses in these product types.
UKAS accreditation is a recognised international standard for competence, impartiality and performance capability. The accreditation follows the company’s appointment of Martin D’Agostino as a virologist in 2016, who now runs the newly created virology laboratory at Campden BRI.
Campden BRI’s Norovirus and Hepatitis A virus detection methods are based on real-time PCR and will be of interest to salad producers, berry producers, retailers and anyone that handles these products within the supply chain.
Martin D’Agostino, Virologist at Campden BRI said, “We are delighted to have received UKAS accreditation for our virus detection methods. The accreditation, along with our investment in this area, ensures that we can provide the best virus analytical services to industry.”
You can find a full list of Campden BRI’s UKAS accredited methods on the UKAS website.
Date Published: 29th January 2018
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Campden BRI Expands Microbiology Facilities