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22nd August 2015  Content supplied by: iNLABTEC AG

Verification of the Inlabtec Serial Diluter Made Easy

The Serial Diluter automates and improves the quality of serial dilutions allowing accurate plate counts. Test tubes are replaced by inexpensive sterile disposable bags, eliminating the time and expense of washing, filling and then autoclaving test tubes for serial dilutions.

According to ISO/IEC 17025: 2005, general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, accredited laboratories must confirm that they are able to operate the applied standard methods adequately and that the specified accuracy and precision requirements are met.

Modifications of standard methods are verified by comparison with the respective methods. Serial dilutions made by the Inlabtec method correspond to a modification of the standard method for the preparation of decimal dilutions ISO 6887-1: 1999-02.

For the rapid and smooth introduction of the Serial Diluter into a routine testing environment, Inlabtec AG is providing a guide and spreadsheet template that describe the execution and documentation of the verification process.

For further information on the Inlabtec Serial Diluter, please visit, or visit the resources page to access the verification documentation and templates.

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Date Published: 22nd August 2015

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