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RealStar® Zika Viru...

2nd February 2016  Content supplied by: Vela Diagnostics

Zika Virus Test Included in Sentosa® Tropical Infections Panel

This product is for Research Use Only and not licensed for diagnostic use.

Vela Diagnostics have expanded their Sentosa® Tropical Infections Panel with the addition of ZIKA Virus RT-PCR Test to the product pipeline. The Vela’s ZIKA Virus RT-PCR test is designed to be used on the Sentosa PCR workflow in conjunction with Vela’s Tropical IVD panel currently including Dengue and Chikungunya Virus.

Vela Diagnostics has launched the CE-IVD Sentosa® SA Chikungunya RT-PCR Test and Sentosa® Dengue I-IV RT-PCR Test as part of the Tropical Infections Panel. With the addition of ZIKA Virus RT-PCR Test to the existing panel, Vela strives to provide a comprehensive solution to meet customers’ clinical and laboratory needs in managing Tropical infections.

As part of the clinical validation studies, Vela will provide Zika virus primer/probe sequences, positive control and other reagents to collaborators who are keen to test the currently Research Use Only Zika Virus test.

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Date Published: 2nd February 2016

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