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Microbiology Buyer Directory : Clinical

Sector: Clinical

Test type: Metagenomics

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MAGneat Post PCR Clean Up

MAGneat PCR Clean Up Beads provide a rapid, effective, and efficient removal of unincorporated dNTPs, dyes, enzymes, salts, primer dimers, etc.  The beads can be automated with Microzone's HeiDi-NA bead processing system. Alternatively, MAGneat PCR Clean Up Beads can be used with other manufacturers' automation and our own manual bead

MegaMix Platinum

MegaMix Platinum is our latest probe-based qPCR mastermix. Features: Able to work at fast speeds with 2-step amplification. Delivers reliability and sensitivity to all of your work. Compatible with probe-based assays such as TaqMan, etc. Works with single and multiplex assays with ease. Quick, efficient assay development Couple with our

Suppliers who have products in this sector:

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CJ Bioscience, Inc
CoreBiome, Inc.
Microbiome Insights
Phase Genomics