Although smaller and simpler than their eukaryotic counterparts, bacteria are an incredibly diverse group of organisms that come in multiple shapes, sizes, and arrangements. Colony counting is a highly variable and unreliable, as it is only an estimate of the viable cells present. Even expensive flow cytometers and laser scanning
Advanced and automated impedance detection system for rapid microbiological testing with realtime monitoring of microbial growth in liquid culture.
Simple to use with complete and automated documentation. A versatile tool to perform microbiolgical tests on raw materials and/ or finished products.
Miniaturised, fully automatable MPN method for the enumeration of butyric clostridia in raw milk and cheese.
New and patented chromogenic media formulation for the selective enumeration of cheese spoiling clostridia
This automated, miniaturized platform combines the well-known MPN technique for determining the number of microbes (MPN = Most Probable Number) on microtiter plates with the use of a scanning technology that can detect different colour and (optional) turbidity or fluorescence changes in liquid (selective) nutrient media used for the growth of
WASP Touch is a new spiral plater, designed for the needs of modern microbiology laboratories. This is a fundamentally different plater with no need for a separate vacuum source. The system is extremely simple to use and provides real cost savings and process improvements.
The Automated Intelligent Monitoring Software (AIMS)
The iQ-Check Solution takes full advantage of real-time PCR to provide a fast and reliable method for food and environmental pathogen testing. It is a complete, flexible, and open solution, allowing industrial microbiology laboratories quick control and reaction in their quality assurance procedures.