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Microbiology Buyer Directory : Food & Beverage

Sector: Food & Beverage

Test type: Colony Counters

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SphereFlash® AI Colony Counting Software

SphereFlash® AI Colony Counting Software is IUL's latest innovation. Its advanced Artificial-Intelligence achieves exceptional accuracy in colony counts, requiring only a single click.

MICA Alicyclobacillus, 3 minutes CFU counting solution

MICA Alicyclobacillus is a semi-automated solution for the rapid detection and counting of Alicyclobacillus in beverages. Based on patented technology, it provides automatic counting of Alicyclobacillus in 3 minutes, after just 24 hours of incubation on BAT agar plates. While using culture and the same process as IFU No. 12:2019 standard method,

SphereFlash®- Automatic Colony Counter and Zone Reader

The SphereFlash® is IUL's automatic colony counter and Zone Reader that accurately counts, pour, drop, spread and spiral plates on any media in two seconds. Designed to use the smallest area on the bench for facing the challenges of a modern laboratory. This device avoids the traditional

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HuanKai Biology Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd.
ImageProvision, Inc.