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Microbiology Buyer Directory : Food & Beverage

Sector: Food & Beverage

Test type: Hygiene Monitoring

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nomad Smart Microbiology Online Services

A Smart Microbiology Web App designed to simplify data analytics for microbial monitoring and create insightful dashboards. Test reports: Individual test results sent by the nomad Mobile App are displayed for editing, validation, and export. The Pixa AI system automatically counts the colonies and suggests the type of microorganism when

nomad Smart Microbiology Quick-Start Services

Expert services designed to assist industry managers in setting up or accelerating the design of sampling plans tailored for troubleshooting, auditing, and routine surveillance. The Expert Services can include risk assessment, troubleshooting plan, monitoring plan design and set-up, periodic plan reviews. They are provided remotely, in English or French. They

ATP Hygiene Monitoring for Surfaces or Liquids

All-in-one sample collection and testing device for use with a luminometer to measure residual contamination on surfaces or in liquid samples giving results in 15 seconds. The device contains a liquid-stable reagent in patented snap valve technology for consistency, convenience and ease of use. The pre-wetted swab ensures good sample collection

EnSURE - Portable Luminometer with Trending Software

EnSURE is a small portable luminometer that measures emitted light from bespoke detection devices for testing several different analytes. Using state-of- the-art technology, it provides high sensitivity with low background noise for sensitive reliable detection. It is simple to use, small, lightweight offering excellent value of money. This versatile multi-functional

RIDA®STAMP – Agar Plates for Direct Stamps

A simple and efficient method to perform regular and well targeted hygiene controls. Direct stamps can be taken on all plain surfaces in the production environment as well as on solid foods The complete portfolio of the RIDA®STAMP line consists of 11 different products which are all available in