Charles River guide to USP chapter 86 for bacterial endotoxin testing

Microbiology Buyer Directory : Food & Beverage

Sector: Food & Beverage

Test type: Ready-to-use Media

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Buffered Peptone Water Bags

This formulation of Buffered Peptone Water has the advantages of the two classical diluents used for food samples: it has the property of revitalization of the peptone water and the pH change absorbing capacity of the phosphate buffer. The composition of this diluent is made according to the specification of

Half Fraser Enrichment Broth Bags

Half Fraser Broth is a modification of Fraser Broth which contains half of the concentration of nalidixic acid and acriflavine to aid in the recovery of stressed cells. Half Fraser Broth is used as the primary enrichment broth according to the EN ISO 11290 for the detection of Listeria. For the

CondaChrome® TBX Agar

CondaChrome® TBX Agar is based on Tryptone Bile Salts Agar medium, used to detect and enumerate E. coli in foods, with the addition of a chromogenic agent, x-ß-D-Glucuronide, to detect the presence of the enzyme glucuronidase, which is highly specific for E. coli. The released chromophore in

CondaChrome® CCA Agar

CondaChrome® CCA Agar is a selective medium for the detection of E. coli and other coliforms in waters and foods. The recovery and enumeration of E. coli and coliforms are important indicators of environmental and food hygiene. CCA Agar is especially recommended for water with low bacterial numbers, whether

Easy Dry Ready-to-Rehydrate Culture Media

The Liofilchem® Easy Dry are ready-to-use, sterile, individually plated dried-up culture media in pads, available in a variety of formulations for microbiological testing of beverage and food.

RAPID'Listeria spp. Chromogenic Media

RAPID'Listeria spp. agar is an affordable selective chromogenic medium for detection of Listeria spp. in food and environmental samples. Listeria spp. are ß-glucosidase positive and appear as blue-green colonies against the whiteish agar, selective agents in the medium inhibits interfering flora, and the nutrient-rich medium enables rapid growth and identification

RAPID'Salmonella Chromogenic Media

RAPID'Salmonella Medium is a sensitive chromogenic agar used for the detection and enumeration of Salmonella spp. in foods. A short one broth, one plate protocol delivers Salmonella sample to results in less than 42 hours or can be used as second selective medium for ISO 6579 reference method Salmonella is C8 esterase

Ready-to-Use Media in 3L and 5L Bags

The Liofilchem® Ready Bags are ready-to-use media, in 3L or 5L bag format, primarily meant for the food industries, aseptically delivered via gravimetric dilutors to prepare selective and non-selective enrichments. Available for Listeria (UVM and Half Fraser), Peptone Water, Maximum Recovery Diluent, TSB and other custom formulations.

RIDA®STAMP – Agar Plates for Direct Stamps

A simple and efficient method to perform regular and well targeted hygiene controls. Direct stamps can be taken on all plain surfaces in the production environment as well as on solid foods The complete portfolio of the RIDA®STAMP line consists of 11 different products which are all available in

Redipor® Prepared Media

Cherwell is an ISO9001 accredited manufacturing company of the Redipor® range of prepared media to the pharmaceutical and industrial markets. Contact Plates - Petri Dishes - Gamma Irradiated Media - Bottled Media - Broth Bags - Ampoules.