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Microbiology Buyer Directory : Other

Sector: Other

Test type: Forensics

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DNA Controlled / DNA-Free Sampling Swabs and Transport Systems

Forensic professionals rely on Puritan swabs for clean and accurate sampling. Tested by an independent lab to the most stringent standards (less than 25 pg of human DNA).  The results? Certified to be DNA-free at a threshold lower than any other swabs on the market today. Our DNA-controlled swabs are

PurFlock Ultra® Flocked Swabs / Specimen Collection Devices

Engineered for purity and maximal cell yield with a small sample size, PurFlock Ultra® flocked swabs are ideal for PCR, molecular assays, DFA testing, forensic applications and direct antigen testing. Constructed from technology the results in higher purity than traditional nylon flocked swabs, they provide the greatest balance between

Suppliers who have products in this sector:

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Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Alpha Lifetech inc.
Copan Diagnostics, Inc.
Copan Italia S.p.a.
Miraclean Technology Co., Ltd