microCLEAN is used to “clean” DNA post PCR for products up to approximately 1Kb in size. A simple and quick method that removes unincorporated dNTPs, primers, dyes, etc. The resultant DNA is then ready and suitable for downstream applications. There is no use of beads, columns, or alcohols
MegaMix Platinum is our latest probe-based qPCR mastermix.
Able to work at fast speeds with 2-step amplification.
Delivers reliability and sensitivity to all of your work.
Compatible with probe-based assays such as TaqMan, etc.
Works with single and multiplex assays with ease.
Quick, efficient assay development
Couple with our
Condagene® Legionella spp qPCR pathogen detection kit is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to detect Legionella in water samples. This kit is designed to detect and quantify Legionella spp. in samples of drinking water and all kinds of (treated and untreated) continental water.
The traditional microbiological