Special Focus - Making Labs Greener


Red capped vial holding 1ml of yellow transport media

Principle: A preservation and a universal transport media device, used for optimum recovery of viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae.

Automation: Yes

Suitability: Respiratory, skin and urogenital. Ideal for sexually transmitted disease testing, epidemiology and surveillance studies.

Capital equipment required: No


Σ-VCM™ Universal Transport Media offers a versatile solution for the collection and transport of clinical specimens. Designed with user convenience in mind, it ensures the preservation of sample integrity during transportation to the laboratory. Compatible with a wide range of specimen types, this device supports both manual and automated processing workflows, making it ideal for routine diagnostic testing in diverse healthcare settings.

Key Points:
  • It uses glass beads to disperse specimens effectively, aiding rapid testing responses.
  • Antibiotics prevent contamination, ensuring accurate samples.
  • Its liquid phase allows easy sample dispersion and uniform suspension for multiple tests or pooling.
  • Ambient storage simplifies community-based surveillance and transportation, reducing costs and complexity.


Company contact details:

Medical Wire & Equipment Co. Ltd. view full details
United Kingdom

Website: Visit Website
Tel: +[44] 1225 810 361

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