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Ramboldi® Sample Containers

Ramboldi Sample Containers

A range of sterile leak-free polystyrene sample containers size 7ml to 250ml. Available either unlabelled, with a plain label or with a printed label for patient details for a wide range of patient sampling needs. Spooned versions are available for fecal sampling and boric acid preservative for urine sample collection. 

Key Points:
  • Leak tested in accordance with BS EN 14254 Annexe D
  • Supplied sterile by ethylene oxide treatment
  • Label fields contain CHI and Hospital No. to accommodate both Scottish and English healthcare user requirements
  • CE marked in accordance with European Directive 98/79/EC
  • Wide range 7ml to 250ml




Company contact details:

DWK Life Science Limited (formerly SciLabWare Ltd.) view full details
United Kingdom

Website: Visit Website
Tel: +44 (0)1782 444406