

The rqmicro.COUNT combined with the rqmicro reagent kits provides a complete solution for sample purification and quantification. The instrument automatically isolates cells by immunomagnetic separation and delivers a direct count of intact target cells (e.g. Legionella). Because of its compact and robust design, the rqmicro.COUNT enables our customers to analyse water samples in their own facilities.

The rqmicro.COUNT supports critical water management decisions with reliable and accurate digital data almost in real-time. That allows customers to move away from biased and slow results to quantitative data to make water safe.

Key Points:
  • Maintenance-free cartridge-based system
  • Automatic sample purification and analysis of up to 4 samples within 60 min
  • Actionable results based on the analysis of single cells, including viability assessment (depending on the assay)