Neogen Petrifilm 40 Years Innovating Food Safety Worldwide

SeLux Diagnostics, Inc.

SeLux’s Next Generation Phenotyping (NGP) platform provides rapid, high-throughput, fully-automated AST results, enabling same-shift susceptibility testing of up to 50 antibiotics in parallel. The platform is driven by SeLux’s proprietary assay, which differentiates antibiotic-induced bacterial growth modes with a surface-binding fluorescent amplifier.

Charlestown, MA 02129
United States



Microbiology Product Areas


NOTE: The products listed in this section may not be approved for clinical diagnostic use in your jurisdiction. You must assume these products are unregulated and therefore cannot be used for routine testing and reporting of results unless otherwise stated.
Antibiotic Resistance Show all suppliers
Antibiotic Sensitivity Show all suppliers
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Show all suppliers