Showing search results for `Carbapenemase-Resistant Enterobacterales (CRE)`.
News [Showing 15 results of 15 found]:
- Urinary Pathogens Detection and AST - a rapidmicrobiology Special Focus
- Free Hardy Diagnostics Webinar to Cover Detection of Carbapenemase Producing Organisms
- MWE's Inactivation Media Enables Safe Transport & Molecular Testing of Bacteria & Viruses
- The Winnable Battles: HAIs and Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Condalab Solutions for Detection of Antibiotic Resistance
- A Fast and Affordable LAMP Solution for The Carbapenamase Families
- Detect and Differentiate KPC, OXA-48-like, VIM, IMP, and NDM Carbapenemases in 15 Minutes!
- CDC AMR Report Highlights 5 Urgent Threats and Need for Rapid Diagnostics
- FDA Approve BD and Check-Point Carbapenemase PCR Assay
- The Big Five Carbapenemase Diagnostic Stick Now Available in US
- ATCC Expands Global Priority Superbugs Portfolio Including 24 Strains of Acinetobacter baumannii
- NEW MAST® CARBA PAcE Rapid, Simple and Cost Effective Carbapenemase Detection
- NG-Test® CARBA 5: Detect and Characterise OXA-48-like, KPC, NDM, VIM & IMP in 15 minutes
- FDA Clearance for BD's Phoenix™ Fully-automated Test for Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms
- London Hospital Uses Automated Colony Counter to Track Carbapenem-Resistant and ESBL Bacteria
Supplier [Showing 11 results of 11 found]:
- NG Biotech
- Streck
- Serosep
- OpGen, Inc
- MoBiTec GmbH
- Mast Group Ltd
- Liofilchem s.r.l.
- Coris BioConcept
- Check-Points B.V.
- Cepheid
- AmplexDiagnostics GmbH