Showing search results for `Klebsiella`.
News [Showing 9 results of 9 found]:
- Breakthrough in qPCR Efficiency: Cut Your PCR Run Time by 75% with MegaMix Emerald qPCR Mastermix
- N-Light™ Salmonella Risk: A New Horizon in Food Safety Monitoring
- Urinary Pathogens Detection and AST - a rapidmicrobiology Special Focus
- Not Just Any Sponge on a Stick!
- FDA-Cleared Liofilchem MIC Test Strip for Meropenem
- Study Results on T2Bacteria Panel for Sepsis from Whole Blood
- Liofilchem Pathogenic System AST
- ATCC® NDM-1 Strains - Now Available!
- Pathogenica and Life Technologies EMEA Partner to Control HAIs