Showing search results for `Total Counts`.
News [Showing 20 results of 120 found]:
- Easy Plates for Food Microbiology Gain MicroVal Certification
- QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter Approved for Use in GMP Facility
- Flow VIT® Test Kits Set New Standard in Probiotic Quality Control
- Automated Serial Dilution: Revolutionizing Microbiology Labs with Unmatched User Satisfaction
- Rapid Testing of Cosmetics in Full Compliance With ISO 17516
- A New Challenger Enters the Rapid Total Viable Count Field
- Eight Surprising Uses of the Growth Direct® System
- Registration is Open for Neogen® Microbiology Workshop
- Do More with Less Inside the Lab with TEMPO®
- Two New Microbial Detection Tools Identify and Enumerate C. perfringens and TBC in Poultry Processing
- APAS PharmaQC - Automated Microbiology Plate Reading Powered by A.I.
- R-CARD®: A Fast, Accurate, and Sensitive Test Method
- How Does TEMPO® Unlock the Power of People in the Lab?
- Red One™: Rapid Water Quality Indicators for Waters (Drinking, Pharma, Swimming)
- Automated Serial Dilution: Transforming Microbiology Labs
- MICA Bioburden: 24h to 48h for Comprehensive Microbial Detection
- A New Bioburden Solution for Microbiological Analysis in the Beverage Industry
- Registration is Open for Neogen®'s Microbiology Workshop
- Eliminate the Need for Serial Dilutions, Facilitate Colony Counting
- Soleris® Next Generation, A Rapid, Automated Microbial Testing System
Supplier [Showing 20 results of 43 found]:
- Cubic Sensor and Instrument Co., Ltd.
- Ancera
- IntuBio ApS
- Ring Biotechnology Co Ltd
- bioMérieux (Food Safety and Quality)
- ImageProvision, Inc.
- BioMire
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Roth Biosciences, LLC
- Oculer Limited
- MCS Diagnostics BV
- SBT Instruments
- mibiC
- Redberry
- Yarok Technology Transfer Ltd.
- Technical Service Consultants Ltd
- SY-LAB Geraete GmbH
- Sigma-Aldrich Corp.
- Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation
Featured Products:[Showing 15 results of 15 found]:
- INTERSCIENCE Scientific Equipment for Microbiology
- Soleris® Next Generation - Rapid, Automated Microbial Testing System
- Real Time Bacterial Counting is the New Standard in Microbiological Analysis
- Rapid Microbiology Methods for Dairy Products
- Comprehensive Surface Monitoring Methods You Can Afford
- Update on Microbiology Products for Food Testing
- World Premiere: ScanStation, real-time incubator and colony counters, full range showcased at Forum Labo Paris.
- Color-coded MC-Media Pads for Convenient Microbial Testing
- Plate Results 3x Earlier than a Traditional Analysis: 8h Instead of 24h
- Convenient Indicator Organism Testing
- Discover How CHEMUNEX® Solution Will Improve Your Profitability
- bioMérieux ScanRDI®
- bioMérieux CHEMUNEX®
- Interscience Plate & Count System®
- 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plates
Products [Showing 20 results of 24 found]:
- CytoQuant® - The World's First Mobile Flow Cytometer
- SphereFlash® AI Colony Counting Software
- TEMPO® - Automated Quality Indicator Solution
- Milliflex Oasis® System
- Red One™ Rapid quality indicator for tap and bottled waters
- R-CARD® Total Count (SPC)
- SphereFlash®- Automatic Colony Counter and Zone Reader
- Smart Diluter W - Gravimetric Diluter
- Eddy Jet 2W - Spiral Plater
- LUNA-FX7™ Automated Cell Counter
- LUNA-FL™ Dual Fluorescence Cell Counter
- QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter
- BacTrac® Microbiological Impedance System
- AMP-6000® Butyric Clostridia Enumeration
- AMP-6000® Automated Microbiological Platform
- New WASP Touch Spiral Plater - Consistent, Trackable Plate Counts
- Easy Dry Ready-to-Rehydrate Culture Media
- Ready-to-Use Media in 3L and 5L Bags
- MicroSnap - Rapid Bacterial Detection
- EnSURE - Portable Luminometer with Trending Software