rapidmicrobiology eNewsletter - 26th April 2022.
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Sino Biological Anitigens for 2022 to 2023 Influenza Vaccine Strains
Featured News
NEOGEN Workshop
NEOGEN®’s virtual microbiology workshop is back for 2022. Join us on 17th May for another dynamic virtual event focusing on the latest developments in food testing technology, industry news and trends.  more... 
RapiScreen Beverage Kit
The user-friendly, rapid, microbial screening system provides high-performance testing for low pH beverages and quality control results within 30 minutes  more... 
Microbiological Incubators
The marketplace for microbiological analysis equipment can be confusing with so much choice on offer – so how do you know which microbiological incubator is best for your company?  What key attribute should you consider?  more... 
Nuclease-free Water
The global reach of coronavirus means that PCR-grade water for testing must be available at all times and at all locations. Sartorius's Arium® ultrapure water systems guarantee an on-demand supply of nuclease-free water, when and where it’s needed.  more... 
Guide to GMP Webinar
What are the key roles in a manufacturing unit? Where does ALCOA+ fit in with your documentation? Watch this 15-minute webinar to find out exactly what GMP guidelines require of personnel and documentation in your facility.  more... 
Red One Rapid Bioburden Testing System
Red One™ counts fluorescence-stained microbial cells (solid-phase cytometry) with a fully automated workflow. The platform is ideal for easy and rapid bioburden enumeration for non-sterile pharmaceutical products.  more... 
EasyDiscTM YEA from IDEXX, used for the enumeration of heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) at 22°C and 36°C in drinking water, has been granted the NF Validation by AFNOR Certification  more... 
BIOMIC V3 Software
Updates in the 2022 BIOMIC V3 software, the digital imaging system for automating the reading and interpretation of AST and ID tests from various manufacturers, with the current 2022 CLSI and EUCAST guidelines.  more... 
BioRad logo and image of gloved hand holding a glass of drinking water
Romer CytoQuant instrument with food handler in a food processing facility and cartoon bacteria
GEN-IAL q-PCR from r-biopharm for detection of yeasts and moulds in beer or wine
Latest in clinical microbiology diagnostics
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Featured Product
Microbial Air Sampling Equipment

In response to the pandemic, many Sartorius customers have deployed biosurveillance programs to ensure their air purification systems are effective. Sample and detect the smallest viruses and microorganisms in your surroundings.

Learn how the MD8 Airport & Gelatine Filters - paired with the mBioCoV-19 RT PCR kit from Nusantics - are being used to monitor air quality at Cinema XXI. With the implementation of such monitoring systems, Cinema XXI hopes to create a safe environment for patrons to return to.

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