Highly specific ELISA for the detection of Treponema IgA/ IgG/ IgM Antibodies
- CE marked alternative to TPHA or TPPA.
- Serum or plasma samples require no pre-dilution. 100µl sample can be added directly to the well.
- Detection of all antibody isotypes. Especially useful for identification of patients with early disease.
- Incubation temperature 37°C. Highly standardized incubation conditions.
- Sample incubation time (in general 1 hour) can be modified to enhance high throughput on an EIA processor or robot.
- High sensitivity for all stages of syphilis.
- Specificity of 99.7%, no cross reactions due to e.g. Lyme Borreliosis.
NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.