Rule out contaminants with Puritan surface swabbing

Microbiology News: clinical, Mar 2013

Assay distinguishes between RSV and hMPV, sharing a common extraction protocol, the RSV + hMPV assay can be batched alongside other Quidel Molecular assays, such as Influenza A+B PCR assay. more...
New CLIA classification of the illumigene Group A Streptococcus test and the illumigene Group B Streptococcus test, along with illumigene C. difficile, enables more labs to adopt molecular testing. more...
Designed to fill a gap in the practical reference materials currently available to support clinical laboratory practice for microbiologists, the publication was written by Professor Michael W D Wren. more...

Filter Bags Provide the Best Analyses with INTERSCIENCE

19 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinicalPharmaceuticalVeterinary

An integrated filter in an homogenization bag simplifies microbiological analyses by filtering during homogenization, saving time and giving easy to count colonies. more...

Vacuum Aspiration of Liquids in Biosafety Level 1, 2 & 3 Laboratories

19 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinicalPharmaceutical

The VACUSAFE Laboratory Aspiration System from INTEGRA is designed to provide simple, reliable and safe aspiration of hazardous waste liquids in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. more...
8 multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae known to produce NDM-1, for development, verification, and evaluation of rapid detection methods, therapeutic techniques, novel antibiotics, and updated sterility protocols. more...
Puritan´s latest flocked swab application (No. 12/849,250) from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is for both inventing the PurFlock® Ultra swab as well as for its unique manufacturing process. more...
Viral load test uses a novel dual-probe approach designed to manage patients being treated with antiviral therapies more...

Lab M Hosts Meeting of ERAM at New HQ

12 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

UK's Eastern Region Association of Microbiologists (ERAM) discussed food microbiology and accreditation issues at their recent meeting held at Lab M. MD Ian Morris intends to open the doors to other professional and industry organisations. more...
WASP® un-caps and recaps specimen containers, plants and streaks samples, performs Gram slide preparation, inoculates enrichment broths and now can also apply the appropriate identification disc. more...

Lab M Reaps Rewards of Continual Investment in Quality

05 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

Microbiology company Lab M's investment in its programme of continuous quality improvement and in implementing enhanced quality systems in keeping with the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice is reaping rewards more...

Micronic Announces Sample Storage eCatalogue

05 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

Accessible online the Interactive Flip-Book contains detailed technical information covering the complete Micronic product portfolio. more...

Puritan Sees New Growth In Liquid Amies Market

04 Mar 2013 | Food & BeverageClinical

After a spike in Puritan UTM-RT transport systems sales during flu season, Puritan also sees new growth in Liquid Amies market more...