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19th March 2013 Content supplied by:
ATCC® Launches New NDM-1 Reference Strains
Since the beginning of the antibiotic era, the global community has been confounded by the continual evolution of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. This concern has been further compounded by the recent emergence of Gram-negative prokaryotes expressing New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamase (NDM-1), an enzyme that confers resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics including last-resort carbapenems. Since 2009, confirmed NDM-1 strains have been attributed to numerous nosocomial infections worldwide, resulting in increased expense and mortality rates. Regrettably, the isolation and identification of NDM-1 strains from nosocomial infections is time consuming and often not routinely available in clinical laboratories.
To aid in the prevention and treatment of NDM-1-associated infections, ATCC has recently acquired and authenticated eight multidrug-resistant prokaryotic isolates known to produce NDM-1. Each clinical strain was placed under biochemical testing, extensive antibiotic profiling, and genomic analysis to verify species, the presence of NDM-1, and multidrug-resistance.
ATCC understands the danger and growing concern behind the spread of multidrug-resistance strains. To support the burgeoning research of these superbugs, we have developed the ATCC® NDM-1 Strains Panel (ATCC® MP-18™) comprised of our six newest multidrug-resistant clinical isolates expressing NDM-1. This panel of strains is ideal for the development, verification, and evaluation of rapid detection methods, innovative therapeutic techniques, novel antibiotics, and updated sterility protocols.
ATCC hopes that with your diligent research and our authenticated strains, we can stop the spread of these superbugs together!
Learn more about ATCC® NDM-1 strains.
Date Published: 19th March 2013
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