Automated ELISA Systems for COVID-19 Assays

Dynex Technologies, Inc., has announced that it is actively working with leading ELISA test kit manufacturers, distributor partners and end-user Clinical Labs requesting assistance on implementation and automation of novel COVID-19 ELISA tests.

Dynex's core product portfolio consists of microplate ELISA instruments which include 2 plate DS2®, 4 plate DSX® and high throughput AGILITY®, which takes up to 12 plates.

The software programming capability and quick integration of test files on Dynex's instruments, allow clinical labs to quickly begin validation and testing of COVID-19 ELISA assays coming to market. Because Dynex's instruments are an open platform, laboratories can choose the assay that works best for them. These flexible instruments will enable labs to meet increased testing demands that this unique pandemic has created. Designed with the automated laboratory in mind, DYNEX instruments can increase laboratory productivity by increasing throughput while also reducing labour and FTE expenses

Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.