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23rd June 2020  Editorial by: Paul Carton

Chinese 'Allowed List' of NMPA Approved CE-IVD & US FDA EUA COVID-19 Test Kit Suppliers

COVID-19 test kits are still in strong demand, whether it's for qPCR, antibody or rapid antigen tests, each has its purpose and optimum stage of infection where they work best.

With countries in the southern hemisphere entering winter flu season, while others in the northern hemisphere struggle with the containment of the virus, the demand for kits will go on until a safe vaccine is produced.

The Chinese Government’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) continue to vet test kits made in that country, and if these kits pass NMPA standards they are given the authorisation to sell and export. This ‘whitelist’ or 'allowed list' of suppliers, who have either US FDA EUA or CE-IVD marking as of the 19th June, can be downloaded here.

The China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products (CCCMHPIE) regularly update this list and you can keep up to date here.

You can also make contact with many of these vendors on our test method guide here.

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Date Published: 23rd June 2020

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