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30th July 2019  Product update: rapidmicrobiology staff writer

Hardy Introduces Automated CompactDry™ Plate Reader

1931_Hardy_CompactDryReaderHardy Diagnostics has designed an automated plate reader exclusively for the CompactDry™ plate line. The Wizard CompactDry™ Plate Reader will automate the task of manual colony counting on CompactDry™ plates for food samples. Manual colony counts can take hours to complete and results can vary from technician to technician. The Wizard CompactDry™ Plate Reader cuts read time down to seconds per plate, all while saving images for digital storage.

Furthermore, a competitive price point will allow labs of all sizes and throughputs to utilize automation for their colony counts and create standardization throughout their process. The Wizard CompactDry™ plate reader is available for purchase now.

CompactDry™ provides the tests needed to identify and enumerate some of the pathogens of concern in food safety, such as E. coli, coliforms, SalmonellaListeria, Total Count, Enterobacteriaceae and more. Using a dry material source, rather than traditional agar, allows for room temperature storage of the plates and an increased shelf life. 

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Date Published: 30th July 2019

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Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.

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