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21st October 2013  Content supplied by: DiaSorin

Improve 'Winter Bugs' Detection DiaSorin Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits

DiaSorin LIAISON® Ixt / Arrow BUGS'n BEADS™ extraction kits provide high yield, high purity nucleic acid preparations for sensitive and accurate molecular identification of norovirus and Mycoplasma pneumonia.

As winter approaches, clinical laboratories are preparing for an increase in test requests for certain seasonal pathogens, such as norovirus and Mycoplasma pneumonia. The DiaSorin BUGS'n BEADS™ nucleic acid extraction kits, for use with the automated DiaSorin LIAISON® Ixt / Arrow™ instruments, provide a highly purified nucleic acid preparation from patient samples for sensitive and accurate molecular confirmation of these microorganisms1.

Outbreaks of norovirus, also known as winter vomiting disease, can spread quickly in certain semi-closed environments and frequently causes ward closures in hospitals during the winter months. Human noroviruses cannot be grown in cell culture and so diagnostic methods focus on the detection of viral RNA or antigen2.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a common cause of atypical pneumonia. Since other, less common etiological agents exist, which require a different course of treatment, identification of bacterial DNA in clinical samples has become increasingly important in establishing the cause of atypical pneumonia3 so that the optimal directed therapy can be provided for patients.

The sensitivity and accuracy of nucleic acid detection and amplification techniques can be reduced by interferences caused by the complexity of the sample matrix. The unique magnetic bead technology harnessed by the DiaSorin extraction kits overcomes this problem by concentrating the target microorganisms from a variety of sample matrices, including urine, sputum, culture and swabs, and then providing a highly purified nucleic acid extraction for downstream molecular analysis. No enzymatic pre-treatment or prior heat treatment is required1.

The DiaSorin extraction kit solutions automate the purification and nucleic acid extraction process, reducing technician hands-on time and increasing sample throughput, making it ideal for the increasing workloads experienced during the winter months. The BUGS'n BEADS™ cartridges are simply loaded onto the LIAISON® Ixt / Arrow™ instrument for up to 12 patient samples and, in less than 45 minutes, a high yield, high purity nucleic acid preparation is then ready for use in a number of downstream applications1.

DiaSorin BUGS'n BEADS™ can be used for the extraction of nucleic acid from a variety of pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, enterovirus, MRSA, norovirus, Escherichia coli, Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumonia and Helicobacter pylori.

In addition to BUGS'n BEADS™, DiaSorin nucleic acid extraction kits are available for: the extraction of RNA or DNA; the extraction of DNA from stool and blood samples; and cell separation.

For further information about any of these products, please email, visit or contact your local DiaSorin representative or distributor.

References 1. DiaSorin Arrow and LIAISON® Ixt Blood DNA 200 Instructions for Use 2. 3. Nordiag application notes AN-26-11.

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Date Published: 21st October 2013

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