Showing search results for `Helicobacter pylori`.
News [Showing 8 results of 8 found]:
- Premier® HpSA® FLEX™ Diagnoses H. pylori in Both Preserved and Unpreserved Stools - Now FDA Cleared
- BIOHIT Launches New Quick Test to Help Streamline Gastroscopy Referrals
- Helicobacter Haven: Crafting the Ultimate Workstation for Your H. pylori
- Sentinel Diagnostics Easy-Card H. pylori Test
- Latest Microbiology Newsletter - 10 Dec 2019
- Rapid Detection of H pylori Stool Antigen
- Improve 'Winter Bugs' Detection DiaSorin Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits
- New Easy-Card H.pylori Antigen Test
Supplier [Showing 20 results of 35 found]:
- Medlere Ltd
- Biopanda Reagents
- CorDx
- Xiamen Boson Biotech Co. Ltd
- AMEDA Labordiagnostik GmbH
- Acon Biotech (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd.
- Advanced Molecular Diagnostics (AMD)
- AB Analitica
- BioSupply
- Veda Lab
- Sigma Diagnostics Inc.
- Serosep
- Sekisui Diagnostics, LLC
- Savyon Diagnostics
- R-Biopharm AG
- Pro-Lab Diagnostics
- Primerdesign Ltd
- Mobidiag Oy (HQ)
- Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
- Liofilchem s.r.l.