Liofilchem’s Solutions for Cosmetic / Personal Care Microbiology

Cosmetic industries run microbiology analysis in several manufacturing stages, in order to ensure quality and safety of the final product. Liofilchem provides a variety of products for the microbiological testings in cosmetic industries, from the microbiological monitoring of air and surfaces until the biochemical identification of microorganism.

Liofilchem confirms its continuous dedication to meet the cosmetics microbiology needs with the introduction of TAT Broth, a ready-to-use liquid medium for the microbiological examination of cosmetics and topical drugs, particularly from highly viscous or gelatinous materials. This medium, also known as Fluid Casein Digest – Soy Lecithin – Polysorbate 20 Medium (SCDLP 20 Broth), complies with ISO 21149 for detection of aerobic mesophilic bacteria.  

Liofilchem also produces EUGON Broth LT100, a liquid medium for the enrichment and detection of aerobic bacteria in cosmetic products according to ISO standards and Tryptic Soy Broth + Capitol 4, particularly suitable for testing viscous samples.

Culture media Cosmetic / Personal Care microbiology are customizable in formulation, irradiation, volume of medium, container and packaging formats.  For tubes and bottles there are varieties of caps available including screw, perforable, flip-off and crimp.

Find out more about Liofilchem's solutions for cosmetic / personal care microbiology