NCIMB has launched a package of services to support manufacturers of probiotic products and feed additives in assessing the suitability of candidate strains and complying with European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) FEEDAP guidelines. FEEDAP is the Panel on Additives and Products for Substances used in Animal Feed.
The FEEDAP guidance states that microbial feed additives should not add to the pool of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes already in the gut bacterial population, or otherwise increase the spread of antimicrobial resistance, and describes two sets of data that should be provided:
- Phenotypic testing based on determination of a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for a selected group of antimicrobials.
- A search of the whole genome sequence for the presence of known AMR genes.
At NCIMB we undertake genome sequencing, assembly and annotation, including prediction of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors. Combining predictions from whole genome sequencing with our lab-based minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests helps you to understand the potential of intrinsic and acquired antimicrobial resistance.
Our package also includes a range of tests and analyses that provide valuable information about the functional characteristics of strains. Individual packages can be tailored to specific requirements. For example, strains used in probiotic products must survive the acidic gastric environment if they are to reach the small intestine and colonize the host, and our package of tests includes low pH survivability assays in simulated gastric fluid.
We also undertake mucin adhesion assessment, providing further information about the capability of strains to colonise the intestinal epithelium. The auto-aggregation ability of bacteria is key to maintaining the bacterial population within the gut and so we also offer aggregation testing within our probiotic package.
To find out more visit our website at or use the request information button below.