Lonza Brings Sanquin...
"Error-proofing" and...
5th October 2020 Product update: rapidmicrobiology staff writer
New Animal-Free Monocyte Activation Test for In Vitro Pyrogen Testing
Lonza Bioscience has announced the commercial release of the PyroCell™ MAT System, a sustainable and reliable solution for in vitro pyrogen testing.
The new offering expands upon Lonza's experience in primary cells and endotoxin testing, combined with Sanquin's expertise in MAT production, helping ensure the safety of parenteral pharmaceuticals during development, manufacture and product release.
The PyroCell™ MAT System provides advantages over existing methods for pyrogen detection in complex formulations, such as human vaccines and cell-based biologics.
It provides sensitive pyrogen detection without the use of experimental animals, thereby supporting sustainability objectives while helping to deliver safe products to the market.
Through a collaboration with Sanquin Reagents B.V., Lonza's PyroCell™ MAT System is comprised of pooled, cryopreserved Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) specifically developed for use with the MAT.
These cryopreserved PyroCell™ Kit PBMCs eliminate the need to qualify blood donors and undertake cell isolation for each single test run. With the PyroCell™ MAT System, the cells can be available on demand whenever the need arises.
The PyroCell™ MAT System reagents can now be purchased throughout North America and Europe through Lonza's comprehensive distribution network and sales support services.
For more information about the PyroCell™ MAT System, please click here.
For additional information about Lonza's complete bacterial endotoxin testing product offering, please click here or use the 'Request Information' button provided below.
Date Published: 5th October 2020
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Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.
Lonza Brings Sanquin's Cryopreserved
"Error-proofing" and "Future-proofing": Updating the