No Interference from Positive Control at Low-Copy Number with PCRmax™ Covid-19 qPCR Kit 

PCRmax has announced that their qPCR Kit for Covid-19 (2019-nCoV) has 100% homology with 95% of the sequences on the GISAID (Global Initiative For Sharing All Influenza Database) published on the 23rd of January. The target of this kit is the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene which is the same gene that was the target for SARS and related viruses — despite this being the same target, PCRmax state, that as yet, there has been no cross-reactivity. 

An added benefit to the kit is the ability to perform multiplexing with the target primers due to PCR primers set at limiting concentrations. And so amplification of the control cDNA will not interfere with detection of Covid-19 target cDNA even if its present at a low copy number.