Whether you are attending ECCMID this year or just want to keep up to date with the latest products for the clinical microbiology laboratory, you can quickly and easily see what's going to be on show in Vienna, Austria, from 22 - 25 April 2017.
bioMérieux Your Expert in Infectious Diseases at ECCMID 2017
bioMérieux will be showcasing their innovations in: Sepsis Diagnostic Management, Antimicrobial Resistance, Immunocompromised Testing and Microbiology Lab Efficiency. PLUS an Integrated Symposium on 'Diagnostic Solutions to Address One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Challenges'. Booth #9
APAS Independence – The Clever Way to Automate Clinical Microbiology
See the APAS Independence at Booth 17 at ECCMID. Visit us to see the next generation of automation in microbiology and the only instrument that eliminates the plate reading bottleneck by removing plates with no significant growth from the workflow.
Colibri™ brings PRECISION and ACCURACY to Microbiology!
The Colibri will select colonies from a culture plate (based on digital coordinates chosen using WASPLab) for further work up and investigations, it can seed the template and apply matrix to both the Vitek MS and Bruker Biotyper MALDI-TOF target plates. Booth #14
Fast, Accurate QC Microorganisms from Microbiologics
Microbiologics offers over 900 strains in a variety of formats for assay and instrumentation validation/verification, routine QC, proficiency testing and more. Visit booth 133 to learn how we can help your laboratory save time and money.
Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Resistance Testing Devices by Liofilchem
Liofilchem will show at ECCMID its latest developments in the range of MIC Test Strip, antibiotic discs and the new SensiTest Colistin, a compact broth microdilution panel and chromogenic culture media for AST. Visit us at Booth #47.
Sputum Processing for 21st Century - MWE Launches Sigma SP™
At ECCMID 2017 in Vienna, MWE is launching Sigma SP™ (Patent Pending), a novel reagent in ready to use liquid format which will transform the processing of sputum! Come and find out more at Booth #118.
Mobidiag, Molecular In Vitro Solutions for Syndromic Diagnostics
Mobidiag develops industry-leading solutions for in vitro diagnostics of infectious diseases. We make molecular diagnostics fast, accurate and accessible. Discover Novodiag®, a turnkey solution for rapid and sensitive on-demand testing at Booth #100.
MAST's Extensive Portfolio of Antimicrobial Resistance Products
See the new MAST® ICT (D74C); a paper test device, based on the principals of the Indirect Carbapenemase Test, together with mastdiscs® combi Carba plus (D73C) a five-disc system for the detection of MBL, KPC and OXA-48-like carbapenemases. Booth #127.
Discover VirClia®, Chemiluminescence in Monotest That Adapts to Your Lab
Visit us to learn more about the great flexibility that VirClia® can bring to your laboratory. Don’t miss the opportunity and come by for a demo of the VirClia® systems and talk with us about our expanding portfolio for infectious diseases. Booth #82.
SpeeDx – Molecular Diagnostics Solutions that Go Beyond Detection
SpeeDx specialises in molecular diagnostic solutions, focusing on infectious disease and antibiotic resistance markers. Come to booth 97 to see the only CE-marked test for resistance screening for Mycoplasma genitalium (ResistancePlus™ MG).
Easy EUCAST AST Testing Compliance with ChromaZona
ChromaZona’s unique three colour lighting and powerful Chromogenic ID software can at the touch of a button, use colour and morphology to identify microorganisms plated on a range of chromogenic media including: Brilliance™; CHROMagar™; Colorex™ and HardyCHROM™. Booth #65.
The 2017 ECCMID will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 22 - 25 April 2017.
Next year's ECCMID will be in Madrid, Spain on 21 - 24 April 2018.