Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology Buyer Directory : Food & Beverage

Sector: Food & Beverage

Test type: E. coli

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TEMPO® - Automated Quality Indicator Solution

TEMPO®  is an automated platform for the analysis of food quality indicators. Quality indicators or hygienic parameters contribute to defining food quality, as well as food safety. They represent the biggest volume of analysis in typical food safety testing processes and help to control the process,

ENVIROMAP® - Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)

Elevate your environmental monitoring program. ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle. Simplify your processes and ensure peace of mind with effortless tracking and traceability. ENVIROMAP® benefits from the combined work of the

CondaChrome® TBX Agar

CondaChrome® TBX Agar is based on Tryptone Bile Salts Agar medium, used to detect and enumerate E. coli in foods, with the addition of a chromogenic agent, x-ß-D-Glucuronide, to detect the presence of the enzyme glucuronidase, which is highly specific for E. coli. The released chromophore in

CondaChrome® CCA Agar

CondaChrome® CCA Agar is a selective medium for the detection of E. coli and other coliforms in waters and foods. The recovery and enumeration of E. coli and coliforms are important indicators of environmental and food hygiene. CCA Agar is especially recommended for water with low bacterial numbers, whether

R-CARD® Salmonella EC

The R-CARD® test method offers the most convenient, streamlined way to detect not only the presence of Salmonella and E.coli in one test but also the number of colonies, in as little as 18 hours!


Dark blue dots will appear showing E. coli colonies, dark pink/red colonies will appear showing Coliform colonies, and Aeromonas species, if present, are virtually undetectable as they grow as small, light yellow colonies that are very hard to see due to the R-CARD® background. The best way to

KwikCount™ MF EC

KwikCount works similar to other, membrane filter (MF) media, following the standard methodology using a membrane filtration device. However, unlike other membrane filter mediums, KwikCount results can be read in 7-10 hours of incubation at 41±0.5°C under long-wave UV light.

Food and Beverage: Microbiological Proficiency Testing

BIPEA organizes accredited microbiological proficiency testing schemes in the fields of food and beverage. These PT programs are designed to meet the requirements of laboratories that need to check that the accuracy of their sample testing is as good as the results of their routine analysis. Real samples


Colilert-18 is a liquid culture method that simultaneously detects both total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water, giving confirmed results in 18 hours. Principle: The Colilert-18 test uses proprietary Defined Substrate Technology (DST) nutrient indicators ONPG and MUG to detect coliforms and E. coli. Coliforms use their β-galactosidase

RiboFlow® Biomolecular Detection System

SY-LAB´s RiboFlow® technology signals relevant bacterial food contamination on-site—early, quickly, and reliably reducing the need for sophisticated sampling and amplification techniques. No gels, No expensive machines, No inconclusive and difficult to interpret results. Fast, easier, and more affordable than conventional molecular tests. Test devices for

BacTrac® Microbiological Impedance System

Advanced and automated impedance detection system for rapid microbiological testing with realtime monitoring of microbial growth in liquid culture. Simple to use with complete and automated documentation. A versatile tool to perform microbiolgical tests on raw materials and/ or finished products.

AMP-6000® Automated Microbiological Platform

This automated, miniaturized platform combines the well-known MPN technique for determining the number of microbes (MPN = Most Probable Number) on microtiter plates with the use of a scanning technology that can detect different colour and (optional) turbidity or fluorescence changes in liquid (selective) nutrient media used for the growth of

Solus E.Coli O157

A highly efficient method for the detection of E.coli O157 in food and environmental samples