
Dark blue dots will appear showing E. coli colonies, dark pink/red colonies will appear showing Coliform colonies, and Aeromonas species, if present, are virtually undetectable as they grow as small, light yellow colonies that are very hard to see due to the R-CARD® background. The best way to determine if Aeromonads are present is to do a side-by-side comparison of the test sample on one R-CARD® ECC-A and one R-CARD® ECC and count the Coliform results. If there are more dark pink/red colonies on the standard R-CARD® ECC test card than on the R-CARD® ECC-A, the differential indicates the presence and numbers of Aeromonas in the sample. To enumerate, simply count the number of colonies of each type.

Key Points:
  • Completely self-contained, requiring almost no additional equipment
  • Extremely accurate and easy-to-understand results
  • Fast results in 15-24 hours (incubated)
  • Free technical support on any step of the process
  • E. coli will show up as dark blue dots, Coliform will show as dark pink/red dots