The IDEXX Tecta® system is a complete, self-contained water testing system, providing rapid evidence of bacterial contamination, either within or outside of a traditional laboratory setting. It is a rapid automated water microbiology testing instrument for detection of coliforms, E. coli, faecal coliforms and Enterococci.
Principle: Detection of bacterial
CondaChrome® CCA Agar is a selective medium for the detection of E. coli and other coliforms in waters and foods. The recovery and enumeration of E. coli and coliforms are important indicators of environmental and food hygiene. CCA Agar is especially recommended for water with low bacterial numbers, whether
Redberry's Red One™ is an automated platform for rapid and quantitative microbiology detection.
The real-time fluorescence analysis enables a very reliable differentiation of targeted viable cells from inert particles. Filtration, staining, and analysis are fully automated.
Two solutions are available on this platform for testing your drinking waters:
KwikCount works similar to other, membrane filter (MF) media, following the standard methodology using a membrane filtration device. However, unlike other membrane filter mediums, KwikCount results can be read in 7-10 hours of incubation at 41±0.5°C under long-wave UV light.
Colilert-18 is a liquid culture method that simultaneously detects both total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water, giving confirmed results in 18 hours.
Principle: The Colilert-18 test uses proprietary Defined Substrate Technology (DST) nutrient indicators ONPG and MUG to detect coliforms and E. coli. Coliforms use their β-galactosidase
New and improved water sampling containers for routine microbiological testing of potable [drinking] water samples. 500ml and 1000ml sizes available, dosed or un-dosed with sodium thiosulphate for chlorine neutralisation.
Both containers can be used for a range of functions such as sampling within leisure swimming pools, endoscopy rinse waters, renal