DNAnimal Testing Kits

Principle: Real-time PCR assays
Automation: No
Approvals: No
Suitability: Low to high throughput detection of animal species in food and feed samples
Capital equipment required: No
Adulteration of food products is an important topic for food quality in particular keeping in mind allergies, ethics and regulations amongst other factors. Eurofins GeneScan Technologies' DNAnimal testing kits have been developed in order to verify authenticity of food products by detecting adulterations in regards to quality assurance. DNAnimal Screen kits enable the screening for different taxonomic groups or animal species and have been developed for a range of food and feed testing strategies, including testing of vegetarian or vegan foods. The DNAnimal Ident kits enable the detection and identification of individual animal species and can be applied for identifying or excluding individual animal species.
In addition to highly sensitive real-time PCR kits, genomic control DNA is available for an even broader range of animal species.
Key Points:
- Validated for a number of different matrices, including highly processed ones (e.g. gelatin)
- Highly specific and sensitive
- Internal positive controls (IPC) included
- Validated on the most important cyclers
- Most DNAnimal kits detect the species or taxonomic group in question with a sensitivity of 0.01%, some specific kits (e.g. DNAnimal Ident Pig HS) detecting mitochondrial targets are even more sensitive
Kit Portfolio
- DNAnimal Screen Mammal & Bird
- DNAnimal Screen Fish (all fish)
- DNAnimal Screen Bird (all birds)
- DNAnimal Screen Ruminant (all ruminants)
- DNAnimal Screen Halal (horse/donkey and pig)
- DNAnimal Ident Horse
- DNAnimal Ident Donkey
- DNAnimal Ident Water Buffalo
- DNAnimal Ident Beef
- DNAnimal Ident Sheep
- DNAnimal Ident Goat
- DNAnimal Ident Pork (incl. wild boar)
- DNAnimal Ident Pig HS (incl. wild boar)
- DNAnimal Ident Chicken
- DNAnimal Ident Turkey
- DNAnimal Ident Duck
- DNAnimal Ident Goose
Gold Standard Diagnostics view full details
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Tel: +49 160 967 399 98