Eddy Jet 2W - Spiral Plater

Principle: Spiral Plater
Automation: Yes
Approvals: ISO 7218 / AOAC 977.27 / FDA (BAM Ch.3)
Suitability: Although Eddy Jet 2W is mostly used by food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical labs, any microbiology lab can largely benefit from its use.
Capital equipment required: No
Eddy Jet 2W is IUL's spiral plater that performs, in a reliable and accurate way, different types of spiral and lawn inoculations reducing cost per test, hand on time, and consumable use during bacterial enumeration.
Its patented disposable microsyringes confer a unique, cross-contamination free technology, making Eddy Jet 2W a bestseller.
This instrument generates a threefold dilution concentration gradient in a single plate, allowing labs to skip serial dilutions and most plating.
Key Points: Sterility: An exclusive patented microsyringe technology that doesn’t require any washing protocol. Time saving and avoid false-negative (trace of bleach), or false-positive results (biofilm formation). Timesaving: A full cycle in only 30 seconds. Detection range: Between 2x102 and 4x105. Petri plate diameters: 90 and 150 mm. Fully validated: Spiral plating is a fully validated Microbiological method, see: ISO 7218/ AOAC 977.27/ FDA (BAM Ch.3). Traceability: barcode reader, printer, USB, ethernet
IUL S.A. view full details
Ciutat d’Asunción 4, 08030 Barcelona,
Website: Visit Website
Tel: +[34] 93 274 0232