Principle: Real-time molecular assay for the detection of Alicyclobacillus spp. and guaiacol producers in a single test
Automation: Yes
Approvals: -
Suitability: Detection of ACB in beverages (juices, concentrates, purees, nectars and sweetener solutions)
Capital equipment required: Yes
Key Points:
GENE-UP® PRO ACB assay detects Alicyclobacillus spp. and predicts the presence of guaiacol – the metabolite that causes spoilage in beverages. GENE-UP® PRO ACB can also be used without enrichment to provide reliable threshold enumeration of Alicyclobacillus spp.
Key Points:
- Rapid and Accurate: next-day ACB and guaiacol results (27 hours), threshold enumeration in less than 3 hours
- Predictive: unique test with predictive model
- Efficient: reduce product scrap
- Profitable: start production and release products faster
- Sustainable: improve supply chain with accurate and timely data
- Supported: full access to bioMérieux scientific expertise
Company contact details:
bioMérieux (Food Safety and Quality) view full details
Marcy L'Etoile
Website: Visit Website
Tel: +[33] 4 78 87 20 00
bioMérieux (Food Safety and Quality) view full details
Marcy L'Etoile
Website: Visit Website
Tel: +[33] 4 78 87 20 00