
BioMire, makes microbial risk management intuitive, by offering you the tools to build a powerful data history, which can then be exploited to understand what is normal or not and find out why.


+33 (0)3 69 61 99 33

nomad® by BioMire is an end-to-end turn-key system for the management of microbial contamination risks:

  • Suspicion → Investigations
  • Confirmation → Troubleshooting
  • Issue mitigation → Verification
  • Prevention → Monitoring

Building on its extensive experience in the field, BioMire has developed devices and software to help companies with little or no laboratory means in dealing with the detection and monitoring of microbial contamination in Production Lines.

The remote diagnostics system nomad is designed to collect, enrich, interpret, and manage microbial data to reinforce operations through application of the Plan-Do-Check-Analyse principle.

It addresses the problem of dependence on external technical expertise and monitoring experience by simplifying and automating data management throughout industrial processes and includes expert services for building or improving monitoring plans tailored for troubleshooting, auditing and routine surveillance.

The system comprises of:

  • Autonomous and connected test devices for on-site sampling and testing of liquids and surfaces. 
  • A mobile app that guides the plant operator throughout on-site testing and collects relevant contextual information in a paperless system.
  • A web app that collects, normalises, and analyses test results with the assistance of AI to build a solid data history. The web app features include alerts, trend monitoring, and plant mapping dashboards.  
  • Expert services to build or jump-start the design and implementation of monitoring plans

nomad features include:

  • End-to-end paperless recording
  • Ease-of-use on-site, with familiarity in just minutes
  • Quantitative results consistent with lab results
  • Pre-set sampling protocols and template menus for on-the-fly testing
  • Automatic colony count by AI, labelling of microbial populations
  • Complete test records with location, time, sampling point and results, batch #, sample treatment, incubation time, device expiry date
  • Result management: display, normalisation, editing, and export of individual test reports  
  • Trend analysis, alert settings, plant mapping, and data export to CSV
  • Remote services for customised monitoring plan design and set-up (available in English or French)
  • Safeguarding of data history


nomad Smart Microbiology IoT Test Devices

ClinicalCosmetic/Personal CareFood & BeverageWater

Designed for on-site sampling and testing for microbial contaminants, the nomad IoT Dip-Testers are based on the established membrane filtration technique for CFU counting. On-site sampling and testing The nomad IoT test devices contain a built-in chamber for convenient liquid collection, in which a test paddle is dipped immediately after sampling, thus eliminating sample transport. For surface testing, the nomad IoT Sterile Swabs in neutralizing buffer contain the same built-in chamber as the nomad IoT Dip-Testers and the buffer volume necessary for the test step. The Dip-Testers contain Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) media for total counts particularly well suited for temperature, chemically or starvation-stressed micro-organisms. Microorganisms may be incubated at ambient temperature. The QRCode contains a Unique Device Identifier (UDI), device model and type, and expiry date information and ensures end-to-end traceability from sampling to counts. They are part of the nomad Microbial Risk Management System, which includes the nomad Mobile App, Web App, and Quick-Start Services. nomad IoT Dip-Testers are available from BioMire, the Pinqkerton online store, and selected distributors.

nomad Smart Microbiology Mobile Apps

ClinicalCosmetic/Personal CareFood & BeverageWater

Designed to assist non-experts during on-site sampling and testing while recording full sampling point and contextual information automatically. Test protocol templates for sampling liquids, surfaces, emulsions, hard-to-filter, containers, and more are built into the App.  Each template contains: a test tutorial the list of parameters that are necessary for complete test records. Test parameters are chosen from available menus for on-the-fly testing, and protocols can be pre-recorded for routine tests, thus saving time during sampling. When a new device is scanned, the compatible routine protocols are suggested. 3 options for operator comments are available at each step: by voice, image, or text recording. The App can be used without an internet connection. The records are automatically transferred once a connection becomes available. It is part of the nomad Microbial Risk Management System, which includes nomad IoT Dip-Testers, Web App, and Quick-Start Services. The nomad Smart Microbiology Mobile App is free and available on the Google and Apple stores

nomad Smart Microbiology Quick-Start Services

ClinicalCosmetic/Personal CareFood & BeverageWater

Expert services designed to assist industry managers in setting up or accelerating the design of sampling plans tailored for troubleshooting, auditing, and routine surveillance. The Expert Services can include risk assessment, troubleshooting plan, monitoring plan design and set-up, periodic plan reviews. They are provided remotely, in English or French. They are part of the nomad Microbial Risk Management System, which includes nomad IoT Dip-Testers and Smart Microbiology Mobile and Web Apps. The Quick-Start Services are only available from BioMire. For information, please consult our website or contact us at

nomad Smart Microbiology Online Services

ClinicalCosmetic/Personal CareFood & BeverageWater

A Smart Microbiology Web App designed to simplify data analytics for microbial monitoring and create insightful dashboards. Test reports: Individual test results sent by the nomad Mobile App are displayed for editing, validation, and export. The Pixa AI system automatically counts the colonies and suggests the type of microorganism when recognized. Results are normalized and expressed in concentrations. Trending Result groups are filtered by sampling point(s) and displayed on a time scale, with mean value, trendline, alert levels, and other relevant process parameters such as temperature or RLU values. Plant Mapping Result history is displayed on a 2D map of the production facility. Account management Multiple smartphones and users can be associated with an account (subscription dependent). With account manager’s permission, a BioMire expert can access the account results for analysis and discussion. They are part of the nomad Microbial Risk Management System, which includes nomad IoT Dip-Testers, the Smart Microbiology Mobile App, and Quick-Start Services. The nomad Smart Microbiology Web App is available as SaaS. Accounts with a free service or an Advanced subscription can be opened at

Microbiology Product Areas


NOTE: The products listed in this section may not be approved for clinical diagnostic use in your jurisdiction. You must assume these products are unregulated and therefore cannot be used for routine testing and reporting of results unless otherwise stated.
Colony Counters Show all suppliers
Data Management Show all suppliers
LIMS Show all suppliers
Sample Collection Show all suppliers
Yeasts and Moulds Show all suppliers

Cosmetic/Personal Care

Environmental Monitoring Show all suppliers
Sample Collection Show all suppliers
Total Counts Show all suppliers

Food & Beverage

Beer Spoilage Organisms Show all suppliers
Biofilm Show all suppliers
Coliforms Show all suppliers
Colony Counters Show all suppliers
Data Management Show all suppliers
Environmental Monitoring Show all suppliers
LIMS Show all suppliers
Sample Management Show all suppliers
Surface Monitoring Show all suppliers
Yeasts and Moulds Show all suppliers


Logistics Show all suppliers
Oil and Gas Show all suppliers
Personal Care Show all suppliers


Colony Counters Show all suppliers
Data Management Show all suppliers
Heterotrophic Plate Counts Show all suppliers
LIMS Show all suppliers
On-site Tests Show all suppliers
Sample Collection Show all suppliers