TEMPO® is an automated platform for the analysis of food quality indicators. Quality indicators or hygienic parameters contribute to defining food quality, as well as food safety. They represent the biggest volume of analysis in typical food safety testing processes and help to control the process,
The D-COUNT® system is an advanced analysis solution for rapidly detecting microorganisms. Rapid detection tests in microbiology enable greater efficiencies and enhanced capabilities in the lab.
Rapid microbiology testing with the D-COUNT® system improves quality assurance and production, overcoming the limits of classical microbiology due to microorganisms'
R-CARD® rapid tests require almost no additional equipment and offer an extremely easy user experience. Simply lift the R-CARD® Yeast and Mold clear film and deposit 1 mL of sample on the card or sterile water may be pipetted on the center of the card and the sample may
Advanced and automated impedance detection system for rapid microbiological testing with realtime monitoring of microbial growth in liquid culture.
Simple to use with complete and automated documentation. A versatile tool to perform microbiolgical tests on raw materials and/ or finished products.
The Liofilchem® Easy Dry are ready-to-use, sterile, individually plated dried-up culture media in pads, available in a variety of formulations for microbiological testing of beverage and food.
The Liofilchem® Ready Bags are ready-to-use media, in 3L or 5L bag format, primarily meant for the food industries, aseptically delivered via gravimetric dilutors to prepare selective and non-selective enrichments.
Available for Listeria (UVM and Half Fraser), Peptone Water, Maximum Recovery Diluent, TSB and other custom formulations.
The CONTAM SWAB is a swab based test with culture media for easy microbial counts and identification directly from environmental surfaces.
The Contam Swab range consists of:
Total count (ref. 86100)
E. COLI COLIFORMS ref. 86101
LISTERIA ref. 86102
SALMONELLA ref. 86103
MRSA ref. 86104
Yeasts and Moulds ref. 86105
Each box of Contam Swabs contains 30
A simple and efficient method to perform regular and well targeted hygiene controls. Direct stamps can be taken on all plain surfaces in the production environment as well as on solid foods The complete portfolio of the RIDA®STAMP line consists of 11 different products which are all available in