MALDI-LinkTM in the BIOMIC® V3 Microbiology System

MALDI-LinkTM is a direct interface between the MALDI Biotyper (Bruker, Germany) and BIOMIC V3 (Giles Scientific, USA).  Organism identification results are transferred automatically from the MALDI Biotyper to BIOMIC V3 to complete antibiotic susceptibility testing. This eliminates manual transcription errors and additional LIS/LIMS interfacing to provide an automated ID-AST solution for the microbiology lab.

BIOMIC V3’s digital imaging automates the reading, interpretation, and reporting of EUCAST, CLSI and BSAC antibiotic disk diffusion tests, Etests® (bioMerieux), MIC Test Strips (Liofilchem®), 96-well microtiter* plates, and identification panels including API® (bioMerieux), RapIDTM (Remel), BBLTM CrystalTM (BD), Liofilchem® ID Systems and chromogenic agar plates. Bar code entry and a 2-Way LIS/LIMS interface further speeds lab workflow.