Giles Scientific Inc

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23rd May 2024  Content supplied by: Giles Scientific Inc.

Broth Microdilution MIC Plate Reading with BIOMIC V3

The BIOMIC V3 Microbiology System (Giles Scientific Inc, California, USA) provides instant MIC plate reading and EUCAST/CLSI interpretation of Broth Microdilution plates for:

  • Sensititre (Thermo Scientific) AST* and ID
  • MicroScan (Beckman Coulter) AST* and ID
  • MICRONAUT (Bruker) AST*
  • ComASP (Liofilchem) AST*
  • Custom Broth Microdilution AST*

An enlarged Broth Microdilution plate image is instantly displayed on screen with well results and interpretations. BIOMIC V3 reads turbidity and color wells with brightfield and darkfield lighting. Results and images are saved automatically and can be printed or sent via LIS/LIMS.  

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*Broth Microdilution - Note in USA: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Date Published: 23rd May 2024

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