Giles Scientific Inc

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27th August 2024  Content supplied by: Giles Scientific Inc.

BIOMIC V3 - Rapid AST Direct from Positive Blood Culture

The BIOMIC V3 Microbiology System (Giles Scientific, California, USA) provides automated zone reading, interpreting, and expert review of EUCAST rapid AST (RAST) and CLSI direct from positive blood culture bottles for selected organisms. This feature is included with the BIOMIC V3 Disk Diffusion module. BIOMIC V3 is US-FDA 510k and IVDR approved.

BIOMIC V3 includes EUCAST RAST incubation breakpoints for 4, 6, 8, and 16-20 hours.

BIOMIC V3 includes CLSI incubation breakpoints of 8-10 hours and 16-18 hours for rapid AST direct from a positive blood culture.

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Date Published: 27th August 2024

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