Automated Etest, MIC Test Strip, & M.I.C.E. Reading with BIOMIC® V3

BIOMIC® V3 is the only microbiology system to completely automate Etest® (bioMerieux), MIC Test Strip (Liofilchem®), and M.I.C.E. strips (Thermo).

BIOMIC® V3 automates strip:

  • Location
  • Drug code recognition
  • MIC zone reading
  • S-I-R interpretation

An enlarged plate image with the strip(s) and MIC value is displayed on-screen. Automated drug code recognition prevents user entry error by confirming the correct strip(s) are placed and interpreted on the plate. A combination of strips and antibiotic disks may be read on the same plate. Test results and images are saved automatically and can be printed or sent via LIS/LIMS.

Automated MIC reading and interpretation