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IDEXX Enterolert®...
13th December 2022 Content supplied by: IDEXX Laboratories Inc
Multiple Studies Demonstrate Superiority of Legiolert® for the Detection of Legionella pneumophila
The IDEXX Legiolert test is a liquid culture method designed to be highly sensitive for Legionella pneumophila, and significantly easier to perform than ISO 11731 and other traditional BCYE solid culture methods.
Legiolert has been extensively compared to traditional culture methods. There are currently 11 peer-reviewed comparison studies that have evaluated over 2,000 environmental samples taken from all over the world. Nineteen different laboratories across 7 countries were involved in these studies, including the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as public and private laboratories.
All of the peer-reviewed research showed Legiolert to be at least as sensitive as BCYE solid culture methods, with 9 of the 11 studies showing it to be statistically more sensitive. All of the studies showed Legiolert to be highly specific for the detection of Legionella pneumophila.
This independent research is supported by a number of certification and regulatory bodies: the method has been published by ASTM International as “ASTM D8429-21: Standard Test Method for Legionella pneumophila in Water Samples Using Legiolert”; is specified as a recommended method in the by the UK’s Standing Committee of Analysts’ “blue book” publication, “The determination of Legionella bacteria in waters and other environmental samples (2020) – Part 2 – Culture Methods for their detection and enumeration”; and Legiolert is also recognised with AFNOR certification for hot and cold sanitary water and cooling tower water (Reference No IDX 33/06 06/19).
For more information on these studies, download here , and to find out more about Legiolert, visit IDEXX Water UK or use the Request Information button below to contact the supplier.
Date Published: 13th December 2022
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IDEXX Enterolert®-DW Receives