Pseudalert® for Rapid Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Water

Water Testing in Lab
IDEXX Pseudalert® for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water
  • Now approved in Flemish compendium for water testing
  • Rapid 24-hour detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Simple process with definitive results, no confirmation steps
  • Highly specific, detects as low as 1 CFU/100 ml sample

The IDEXX Pseudalert® method, for the rapid for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water, has now been added to the latest edition of the Flemish compendium, WAC V A 006 by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), on behalf of the Flemish government. The inclusion allows the use of Pseudalert for the testing and analysis of drinking water, non-carbonated bottled water for human consumption, groundwater, swimming pools, and spa water, including water with high background concentrations of heterotrophic bacteria.

Pseudalert is the ISO international standard for 24-hour detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water, ISO: 16266-2:2018, and has previously been specified as a recommended method by the UK Standing Committee of Analysts (SCA) for both recreational and environmental waters, and drinking waters. The method has also been granted NF Validation by AFNOR Certification, under the reference IDX 33/05-03/16 after evaluation against the membrane filtration method ISO 16266, on drinking water and pool water.

Launched in 2011, the IDEXX Pseudalert test is simple to use, and delivers definitive results with no additional confirmation steps. The method is highly specific and can detect Pseudomonas aeruginosa at levels as low as one colony-forming unit (cfu) in a 100 ml sample, reducing the risk of false positives from non-target organisms. Samples can be processed in less than a minute, while the interpretation of results is as simple as observing fluorescence in the sample post incubation.

Pseudalert can also be used to quantify bacterial contamination, using a Quanti-Tray®, which consists of 51 individually sealable cells. The Quanti-Tray is incubated for 24 hours, after which the fluorescent cells can be counted and measured by reference to a Most Probable Number (MPN) table.

IDEXX Water testing solutions deliver easy, rapid, accurate and cost-effective information on water quality to laboratories, public utilities, and facilities managers. The Colilert®-18 method (ISO 9308-2) detects coliforms and E. coli and provides quantified results in 18 hours, Enterolert®-DW offers 24- hour detection of enterococci in drinking water, and EasyDisc® YEA for the detection of heterotrophic plate counts, are also authorised for use in Flanders having been included in the compendia WAC V A 002, WAC V A 003, and WAC V A 001 respectively.

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