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1st August 2018  Content supplied by: Döhler

NBB®-PCR Broth – Fast and Universal Enrichment for PCR Detection of Beer Spoiling Microorganisms

The ready-to-use NBB®PCR Broth allows reliable, fast and universal enrichment for PCR or real-time PCR detection from all samples in the brewing process.

A specially optimised production process and extensive quality control ensures that the NBB®-PCR Broth contains absolutely no DNA from beer spoiling bacteria. False positive results are avoided.

The exclusion of PCR-inhibiting ingredients and the optimised nutrient composition allow even slow-growing bacteria such as Lactobacillus lindneri and Pediococcus damnosus to be detected in 48 to 72 hours.

NBB®-PCR Broth provides universal detection using all PCR or real-time PCR systems available on the market. The broth was validated in an extensive study by the Microbiology and Yeast Center of the Research Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality at Technical University Munich. NBB®-PCR Broth is also easily combined with the new DMD® Screen & Ident Kits from Döhler. The new kits offer fast and absolutely reliable results and are so easy to use that no expert knowledge is needed.

The NBB®-PCR Broth provides:

  • A broad sample spectrum – PCR or real-time PCR detection from water, yeast, beer and air samples and hygiene monitoring in production
  • Reliable detection – optimised production process and comprehensive quality control
  • Fast enrichment – detection of even slow-growing bacteria in 48 to 72 hours
  • A universal medium – front-end for all PCR and real-time PCR systems available on the market

Would you like additional detailed information about the NBB®-PCR Broth? Please click here:

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Date Published: 1st August 2018

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