HiMIC™ Plate Kit (MPK series) is a ready-to-use, extremely easy to perform broth micro-dilution assay compliant with CLSI and EUCAST guidelines. It employs indicator based system with visual interpretation.
HiMIC™ Plate Kit is available in two formats.
- Single antimicrobial format provides system for testing 12 isolates over 7 concentrations of the antimicrobial agent each covering the breakpoint scale
- Multi - antimicrobial formats provides system for testing single isolate against 8 antimicrobials over 11 concentrations of each
Octofungi 1 HiMIC™ Plate Kit (MPK901) is the first system under multi-antimicrobial formats. It combines a panel of eight anti-fungals over 11 concentrations of each. This product has been exclusively designed for MIC evaluation of yeasts and filamentous fungi. Based on the experience shared by anti-infective specialists from the clinics, we designed a specialized panel of antifungals in this kit.
The panel consists of:
- Amphotericin B from the Polyene class
- Multiple generations of Azoles
- Echinocandins
Octofungi 1 HiMIC™ Plate Kit content:
- 96 well microtiter plate pre-coated with growth media and antimicrobial gradient thereby eliminating the need and time spent in preparing the same
- Eight detachable strips with one antifungal dilutions covered per strip
- HiMIC™ Diluent provided to prepare the dilution of the test isolate for addition to the all the wells
- HiMIC™ Reading cards to facilitate easy, visual and quick interpretation of the results pertaining to each antifungal included. This eliminates need of any automation to read the MICs
- Detailed product insert for complete guidance on performing the assay
Please visit our website www.himedialabs.com for more information or click on the Request Information button below.