Exploring the Microb...
Liofilchem Opens Reg...
29th January 2024 Content supplied by: various sources as indicated
Special Focus on Transformational Technologies for Microbiology, AI, AR, and Data Analytics

Traditionally, QC microbiology has involved a lot of repetitive manual tasks using highly skilled technical staff to set up, read tests, and interpret results. However, automation, AI, and data analytics can lead to a much more efficient and more accurate microbial QC process, reducing the potential for human error and improving overall quality control in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and healthcare.
Why should labs embrace change?
The advantages of using more technology are manifold, including:
- Increased Workflow Efficiency - from sample collection, processing, reading, and recording results - removes skilled staff from error-prone, dull, repetitive tasks with potential for RSI.
- Achieve the Impossible - such as processing higher throughput of samples with the same resources or reducing operator contamination via robotic sampling.
- Objective and Fully Traceable Data - remove operator bias, have access to and share trends, highlight problems, and transform lab results into really usable data.
In this rapidmicrobiology special focus, we showcase some key technologies that can revolutionize workflows and make your QC systems work better and smarter. Discover from Anke Hossfield (Merck), a recent guest on the rapidmicrobiology podcast, how automation and digitalization are helping pharma QC microbiologists and why it's important to choose the right partner for your journey.
Starting at the beginning, sample collection can be automated to reduce the potential of operator contamination in clean room, Micronview have a robotic system which can open and close doors and automatically move itself to where it needs to be and do the sampling!
Food safety is also moving ahead, bioMerieux have invested in Augmented Diagnostics, i.e. bringing various technologies together that do not just report results but data that allows food manufacturers make better, more informed, and faster decisions. Biomire offers a turn-key solution, nomad microbial solutions fully integrate field-ready test devices, smart data management applications, and expert services, offering producers everything they need to design a custom monitoring plan or launch an investigation in a matter of days.
But is it AI? For true AI vs. data interpretation, a system needs to have the ability to learn from its data and be able to apply that knowledge – Clever Culture’s APAS® PharmaQC, Rapid Micro Biosystem's Growth Direct®, and Diamidex's MICA use advanced imaging technology combined with learning algorithms to automate the analysis and interpretation of microbiology culture plates. For clinical labs, COPAN ITALIA's PhenoMATRIX® A.I. algorithms analyze colony growth, morphology, color, and hemolysis using your custom interpretation rules, sorting and suggesting a follow-up for each plate that just needs to be validated with a click of a button. PhenoMATRIX® TAG automatically detects and tags the best colonies to be picked to perform the proper workup for each colony according to your custom rules which can include a patient's clinical data.
Are Microbiologists Out of a Job?
At the moment, mostly it's just the mundane, tedious work and data handling/interpretation/sharing that is removed, which allows microbiologists to spend more time focussing on the result interpretation and QC improvement side, or they could just create more artistic culture plate pictures.
Automated EM Monitoring Utilizing Advanced Robotics
MicronView EMC Robot line is designed to reduce the amount of human-borne contamination found in critical areas as a result of personnel. MicronView EMC Robots can be used for particle counting, microbial air sampling and VHP sterilization.
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SphereFlash® AI Colony Counting Software: Transforming Colony Counting with a Single Click
Imagine a world where counting colonies is no longer time-consuming but as simple as a single click. SphereFlash® AI Colony Counting Software has made this vision a reality, revolutionizing colony counting.
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The Future of Pharma QC is Automation and Digitalization: Podcast
Anke Hossfield (Merck) joins us in this podcast episode on Automation and Digitalization to share her experience on why pharma labs must adapt to the trend to meet Industry 4.0 demands and why choosing the right partner is key.
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Introducing PhenoMATRIX® PLUS: Plate Autorelease, By Your Rules!
PhenoMATRIX® PLUS is the newest PhenoMATRIX® suite release, designed to automatically segregate positive plates or discard negative plates without technical validation.
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APAS PharmaQC - Automated Microbiology Plate Reading Powered by A.I.
APAS PharmaQC uses advanced imaging and artificial intelligence to automate the analysis and interpretation of microbiology culture plates, delivering a greater level of traceability and data integrity to your environmental monitoring workflow.
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The Future of Food Safety – bioMérieux's Vision
Do the challenges of producing safe food now require a completely new approach, one that can leverage the latest techniques in laboratory-based analysis, data handling and AI? In this interview with Grégoire Kebabtchieff, bioMérieux we explore their augmented diagnostics solution for food safety.
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The Role of Machine Learning in Diamidex's Rapid Microbial Solutions
Discover how Diamidex leverages Machine Learning in MICA for rapid, accurate microbial enumeration. Thanks to its proprietary software, MICA is able to automatically recognize and count microorganisms of interest, at an early micro-colony stage.
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AI-driven Monitoring Solutions: Automatize Expertise for Operations
nomad™ Smart Microbial Solutions merge A.I.-driven microbiology expertise, modern connectivity, and automated data analytics for effective microbial risk management in manufacturing, offering easy-to-use, 360° turnkey solutions for industry.
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Real-Time Continuous Monitoring of Bacteria for Annex 1 Compliance
Designed to meet the exacting standards of the pharmaceutical industry for monitoring of bacteria in critical areas MicronView Bioaerosol Monitoring System (BAMS) meets the Annex 1 requirements for continuous real-time detection of bacteria.
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Transforming TB Testing With INTEGRA Biosciences’ Pipette Controllers
Antrum Biotech has integrated serological pipette controllers from INTEGRA Biosciences into its laboratories. The pipetting aids have become an invaluable asset in the company’s liquid handling workflows whilst streamlining the commercialization of a variety of innovative healthcare products.
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Unlocking Excellence in Environmental Monitoring: A Tale of Effective Trend Analysis
Dive into the world of Environmental Monitoring with a focus on Trend Analysis. Highlighting quantitative and qualitative synergy through impactful visuals, the narrative tells a compelling story about cleanroom control. Download the poster for an immersive journey into the heart of EM excellence.
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Streamlined Lab Integration with INTEGRA’s Electronic and Automated Liquid Handling Solutions
Integrating INTEGRA products into a connected lab solution opens doors to more efficient liquid handling workflows, saving valuable time and resources, enhancing data traceability, and allowing scientists to stay at the forefront of innovation.
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NEW in 2024! Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility Detection
The Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility System replicates all 3 traditional test conditions within a kit of 3 cassettes. The automated closed-loop system tests as many as 126 kits at once, eliminating risks of human error and secondary contamination, with final results in as little as 1-3 days.
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Date Published: 29th January 2024
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