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15th June 2015 Content supplied by: Hardy Diagnostics
Your One Stop Shop for Microbiology Testing in the Poultry Industry

Hardy Diagnostics has published a specialty catalogue focusing on microbiological testing in the poultry industry. The brochure lists the Hardy Diagnostics range of products suitable for microbiology testing at any point in the poultry production chain- from broiler house to slaughter, carcass rinses to ready-to-eat meats. Hardy Diagnostics offers a one stop, complete testing solution available to order online.
Hardy Diagnostics Poultry Microbiology brochure includes:
- Microbial Air Sampling units with optional ready to use plates
- ATP based hygiene monitoring system
- Environmental sample collection including dippers, swabs, sponges, bags, and surface contact plates
- Compact Dry™ ready-to-rehydrate plates for total counts, E.coli, coliforms, Staph aureus, Salmonella, Listeria, yeast and molds.
- Microaerophilic and anaerobic atmosphere generators for Campylobacter and Clostridium sp.
- Dehydrated CRITERION™ culture media range with over 250 standard formulations
- HardyCHROM™ chromogenic media for food pathogens and indicator organisms
- Identification and confirmation products for Salmonella, Listeria, and Staph aureus
Click here to download the Hardy Diagnostics Poultry Microbiology Brochure
Order on-line now from Hardy Diagnostics or visit the Hardy Diagnostics website
Date Published: 15th June 2015
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